Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Film review page research.

Three review pages taken from the film magazines Hotdog Empire and Total film.

research on mags.

Hotdog magazine review.

This is Hotdogs review on the hollywood film Collateral damage. the page has a fairly small review article packed with listings of the cast director and certificate and release date. the review is humourous and is a light read meaning its aimed at a wider target audience.

the use of stills or scene photgraphy is heavy backing the review again highlighting the language of the magazine.

Empire magazine review.

Empires review page consists of a more in depth read and has slightly more listings from director cast producers screen play running time and the distributor. this shows how Empire are still attracting fans/ a wider audience but with more infomation then Hotdogs review.

Empire also follow similar conventions to Hotdog with the use of scene photography containing the main character and using the listings as a starting point of the review. Again within the conventions of Empire magazines there is the brief descrpition for those not wishing to read the full article which once again reflects upon the target audience.

this is a review page from the total film magazine and is incredibly similar to that of the other two however again has its own particular layout which is based on the review being an easy read compared to the empire magazine which is a little bit more of an in depth read howver this magazine usues a cinema rating scheme which the other mgagzines dont use and i will consider to use in my magazine review.

out of the three magazines used i believe i will use a review aimed at the wider audience and use a celebrity scale meter aimed at the film fans and so it becomes more of an interresting read.

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